Thursday, April 30, 2009
chine \ˈchīn\ noun: 1. backbone, spine, 2. a cut of meat including all or part of the backbone, 3. the intersection of the bottom and the sides of a flat or V-bottomed boat
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French eschine, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German scina shinbone, needle
The sound of the word chine makes me think of chyme. Try using both words in one sentence (and have that sentence make sense!).
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
dehisce \di-ˈhis\ intransitive verb: 1. to split along a natural line, 2. to discharge contents by so splitting {seedpods dehiscing at maturity}
Etymology: Latin dehiscere to split open, from de- + hiscere to gape
Yesterday drupe was described as indehiscent, meaning it remains closed at maturity. There was also a lot of ‘carping going on in yesterday’s post. The endocarp, mesocarp and exocarp are, respectively, the inner, middle and outer layers of a fruit. In sum they make up the pericarp.
Monday, April 27, 2009
drupe \ˈdrüp\ noun: a one-seeded indehiscent fruit having a hard bony endocarp, a fleshy mesocarp and a thin exocarp that is flexible (as in the cherry) or dry and almost leathery (as in the almond)
Etymology: New Latin drupa, from Latin, overripe olive, from Greek dryppa olive
Joyce Kilmer’s lost opportunity: “I think that there is no such fruit / As leath’ry as the almond drupe.”
Sunday, April 26, 2009
pome \ˈpōm\ noun: a fleshy fruit (as an apple or pear) consisting of an outer thickened fleshy layer and a central core with usually five seeds enclosed in a capsule
Etymology: Middle English, fruit, from Anglo-French pume, pomme apple, fruit, ultimately from Late Latin pomum
Joyce Kilmer wrote, “I think that I shall never see / A poem lovely as a tree.” He could have written, “I think that I shall never eat / A pome as lovely as a loquat,” but it doesn’t rhyme. Plus, had he ever even tasted a loquat?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
dither \ˈdi-thər\ intransitive verb: 1. shiver, tremble, 2. to act nervously or indecisively; vacillate
noun: a highly nervous, excited or agitated state; excitement, confusion
Etymology: Middle English didderen
Dither is also a scientific term. Explore it here on Wikipedia, and make sure you read the fascinating quote from Ken Pohlmann’s Principles of Digital Audio in the subsection “Origin of the word ‘dither.’”
Friday, April 24, 2009
pudendum \pyu-ˈden-dəm\ noun: the external genital organs of a human being and especially of a woman (usually used in the plural, pudenda)
Etymology: New Latin, singular of Latin pudenda, from neuter plural of pudendus, gerundive of pudēre to be ashamed
What does it say of a culture when its people basically refer to their agents of propagation as their “shame?”
Thursday, April 23, 2009
disputatious \ ˌdi-spyü-ˈtā- shəs\ adjective: 1 a. inclined to dispute, b. marked by disputation, 2. provoking debate; controversial
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French desputer, from Latin disputare to discuss, from dis- + putare to think
Working from dispute, it’s easy enough to assume the correct definition of disputatious. Why then do we rarely hear the word in conversation?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Jam karet
jam karet \ˌjäm-kä-ˈrät\ noun: a sense of casually extended time in which deadlines are soft and fluid
Etymology: Indonesian jam karet rubber time
If you’re wondering what’s inspired all the barong pictures these past few days, check out my friends Gamelan Dharma Swara. This group of musicians and dancers is playing a concert in New York City on May 2nd. Think about attending if you’re in the area and enjoy being dazzled by dynamic cascades of shimmering brilliance. Info about the show can be found on their website.
Monday, April 20, 2009
descry \di-ˈskrī\ transitive verb: 1. to catch sight of {I descried a sail — Jonathan Swift}, 2. find out, discover
Etymology: Middle English descrien to proclaim, reveal, from Anglo-French descrier, alteration of Old French decrier, from de- + crier to cry
I think you’re only allowed to use this word at a renaissance fair.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
meniscus \mə-ˈnis-kəs\ noun: 1. a crescent or crescent-shaped body, 2. a concavo-convex lens, 3. the curved upper surface of a column of liquid, 4. a fibrous cartilage within a joint especially of the knee
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek mēniskos, from diminutive of mēnē moon, crescent
What’s more terrifying: a vicious meniscus or a viscous meniscus?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
bodkin \ˈbäd-kən\ noun: 1 a. dagger, stiletto, b: a sharp slender instrument for making holes in cloth, c: an ornamental hairpin shaped like a stiletto, 2 a. blunt needle with a large eye for drawing tape or ribbon through a loop or hem
Etymology: Middle English bodekin
Cute word for a dangerous object.
Monday, April 13, 2009
aleatory \ˈā-lē-ə-ˌtor-ē\ adjective: 1: depending on an uncertain event or contingency as to both profit and loss {an aleatory contract}, 2: relating to luck and especially to bad luck, 3: aleatoric; characterized by chance or indeterminate elements {aleatory music}
Etymology: Latin aleatorius of a gambler, from aleator gambler, from alea a dice game
I first heard this term as a descriptor of certain 20th century music.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
plectrum \ˈplek-trəm\ noun: a small thin piece (as of plastic or metal) used to pluck the strings of a stringed instrument; pick
Etymology: Latin, from Greek plēktron, from plēssein to strike
Last night I heard a busker strumming Libba Cotten's "Freight Train." Strumming! As in, "not fingerpicking." What's the world coming to?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
steatopygia \ˌstē-a-tə-ˈpi-j(ē-)ə, -ˈpī-\ noun: an excessive development of fat on the buttocks
Etymology: New Latin, from steat-, stear + Greek pygē buttocks
Just brainstorming, I guess stereopygia would be “the property of having solid buttocks.” And who would possess stereopygia? Athletes, I reckon.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
ternary \ˈtər-nə-rē\ adjective: 1 a. of, relating to, or proceeding by threes, b. having three elements, parts, or divisions, c. arranged in threes {ternary petals}, 2. using three as the base {a ternary logarithm}, 3 a. being or consisting of an alloy of three elements, b. of, relating to, or containing three different elements, atoms, radicals, or groups {sulfuric acid is a ternary acid}, 4. third in order or rank
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ternarius, from terni three each
Every word can’t be exciting; ternary is one that’s boring, but important.
Monday, April 6, 2009
plangent \ˈplan-jənt\ adjective: 1. having a loud reverberating sound {a plangent roar}, 2. having an expressive and especially plaintive quality {plangent lyrics}
Etymology: Latin plangent-, plangens, present participle of plangere to strike, lament
Could the House of Plantagenet be said to have been plangent in any way? A plangent Plantagenet?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
comity \ˈkä-mə-tē, ˈkō-\ noun: 1 a. friendly social atmosphere; social harmony {group activities promoting comity} b. a loose widespread community based on common social institutions {the comity of civilization}
Etymology: Latin comitat-, comitas, from comis courteous, probably from Old Latin cosmis, from com- + -smis (akin to Sanskrit smayate he smiles)
There should be a genre of humor called “the comedy of comity.”
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
chronophagous \krə-ˈnä-fə-gəs\ adjective: 1. using or taking up a great deal of time; time-consuming {chronophagous chores}, 2. wasteful of time {chronophagous tactics}
Etymology: Greek chrono-, from chronos time + -phagos, from phagein to eat
Time-consuming is fine among friends, but use chronophagous if you’re feeling pretentious.
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