Friday, July 31, 2009
olivaceous \ˌä-lə-ˈvā-shəs\ adjective: of the color olive or olive green
Etymology: Latin oliva olive + -aceus characterized by, full of
If olive and olive green are too quotidian for you, go ahead and use olivaceous.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
lambent \ˈlam-bənt\ adjective: 1. playing lightly on or over a surface; flickering, 2. softly bright or radiant, 3. marked by lightness or brilliance especially of expression
Etymology: Latin lambent-, lambens, present participle of lambere to lick
You’ve probably heard lambent used to describe a brilliant, flashing or playful wit.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
levigate \ˈle-və-ˌgāt\ transitive verb: 1. polish, smooth, 2 a. to grind to a fine smooth powder while in moist condition, b. to separate (fine powder) from coarser material by suspending in a liquid
Etymology: Latin levigatus, past participle of levigare to make smooth, from levis smooth (akin to Greek leios smooth and perhaps to Latin linere to smear) + -igare (akin to agere to drive)
Imagine the Pixies’ song “Levitate Me” as “Levigate Me.”
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
wan \ˈwän\ adjective: 1 a. suggestive of poor health; sickly, pallid, b. lacking vitality; feeble, 2: dim, faint, 3: languid {a wan smile}
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wann dark, livid
We all know this word from Sir John Suckling’s “Why So Pale and Wan, Fond Lover?”
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
lemniscate \lem-ˈnis-kət\ noun: a figure-eight shaped curve whose equation in polar coordinates is ρ2=a2 cos 2θ or ρ2=a2 sin 2θ
Etymology: New Latin lemniscata, from feminine of Latin lemniscatus with hanging ribbons, from lemniscus
Honestly, what’s more fascinating than geometry? It’s the math you can draw!
Friday, July 24, 2009
omphaloskepsis \ˌäm(p)-fə-lō-ˈskep-səs\ noun: 1. contemplation of one’s navel as an aid to meditation, 2: indisposition to motion, exertion or change; inertia
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek omphalos + skepsis examination
Omphaloskepsis has taken on additional meanings; it can be a synonym for “introspection” or it can mean “self-centeredness, egotism or conceit.” How long have these other meanings been around?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
divagate \ˈdī-və-ˌgāt, ˈdi-\ intransitive verb: to wander or stray from a course or subject; diverge, digress
Etymology: Late Latin divagatus, past participle of divagari, from Latin dis- + vagari to wander
I divagate when looking up a word in the dictionary. Other words jump out and distract; they’re so tempting I can’t resist reading their definitions.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
limn \ˈlim\ transitive verb: 1. to draw or paint on a surface, 2 . to outline in clear sharp detail; delineate, 3. describe {the novel limns the frontier life of the settlers}
Etymology: Middle English limnen to illuminate (a manuscript), probably back-formation from lymnour illuminator, alteration of lumenur, from Anglo-French aluminer, enluminer to illuminate, ultimately from Latin illuminare
Figurative artists limn limbs.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
lugubrious \lə-ˈgü-brē-əs\ adjective: 1. mournful; exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful {dark, dramatic and lugubrious brooding — V. S. Pritchett}, 2: dismal {a lugubrious landscape}
Etymology: Latin lugubris, from lugēre to mourn; akin to Greek lygros mournful
Lugubrious is a common enough word, but it’s strangely underutilized in everyday speech. Let’s do all we can to right that wrong.
Friday, July 17, 2009
salacious \sə-ˈlā-shəs\ adjective: 1. arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination; lascivious, 2. lecherous, lustful
Etymology: Latin salac-, salax, from salire to move spasmodically, leap
The closest word Italian has in meaning to the English word salacious is lascivo, obviously a cognate to the English lascivious. The Italian descendant of the Latin salire is saltare, and it still means “to jump.”
Thursday, July 16, 2009
sedulous \ˈse-jə-ləs\ adjective: 1 : involving or accomplished with careful perseverance {sedulous craftsmanship}, 2. diligent in application or pursuit {a sedulous student}
Etymology: Latin sedulus, from sedulo sincerely, diligently, from sed-, se without + dolus guile
Note the etymology. Something that meant “without guile or deceitful cunning” has come to mean “accomplished with careful perseverance” or “diligent in pursuit.” Makes sense.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
pulchritude \ˈpəl-krə-ˌtüd\ noun: physical comeliness
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin pulchritudin-, pulchritudo, from pulchr-, pulcher beautiful
adjectival form: pulchritudinous \ˌpəl-krə-ˈtü-dən-əs\
I used to think this word sounded discordant with its meaning, but I’ve known it long enough for it to feel natural now.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
recherché \rə-ˌsher-ˈshā\ adjective: 1 a. exquisite, choice, b. exotic, rare, 2: excessively refined; affected, 3. pretentious, overblown
Etymology: French, from past participle of rechercher to seek out, from Middle French recercher to go about seeking, from Old French recerchier, from re- again, backward + cerchier, sercher to search
Is it recherché to use the term recherché?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
peduncle \ˈpē-ˌdəŋ-kəl, pi-ˈ dəŋ-kəl \ noun: 1. a stalk bearing a flower or flower cluster or a fructification, 2. a narrow part by which some larger part or the whole body of an organism is attached; stalk, pedicel, 3. a narrow stalk by which a tumor or polyp is attached
Etymology: New Latin pedunculus, diminutive of Latin ped-, pes foot
Just puts a smile on your face, doesn’t it? Peduncle.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
zaftig \ˈzäf-tig\ adjective: (of a woman) having a full rounded figure; pleasingly plump
Etymology: Yiddish zaftik juicy, succulent, from zaft juice, sap, from Middle High German saf, saft, from Old High German saf
Add zaftig to your vocabular arsenal of complimentary terms, next to callipygian and bathykolpian.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
abstruse \əb-ˈstrüs, ab-\ adjective: difficult to comprehend; recondite {the abstruse calculations of mathematicians}
Etymology: Latin abstrusus, from past participle of abstrudere to conceal, from abs-, ab- from + trudere to push
Try pronouncing the word abstruse. It isn't very round or open, is it? It almost feels as if you're extruding the word out of your oral cavity.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
fiasco \fē-ˈäs-(ˌ)kō, -ˈas-\ noun: bottle, flask; especially a bulbous long-necked straw-covered bottle for wine
Etymology: Italian, from Late Latin flasco bottle, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German flaska bottle
fiasco \fē-ˈas-(ˌ)kō also -ˈäs-\ noun: a complete failure
Etymology: French, from Italian, from fare fiasco, literally, to make a bottle
Why would making a bottle be an idiom for “a complete failure?” According to Wiktionary the phrase is used in Italian theater to mean “failure in a performance.” That’s still not an explanation, but at least it hints at a context. Wiktionary also goes on to point out an idiomatic similarity with the British English phrase to bottle out, meaning “to lose one’s nerve.”
Wiktionary again: “An alternative interpretation of the Italian fare fiasco as a meaning for failure can be traced to production of glass bottles by glass blowing. A mistake in the process would result in a bottle of irregular shape with a protruding or enlarged base.” Recall the first definition of fiasco above: a bulbous bottle for wine. (Chianti is often sold in these fiaschi; click here for a picture of one.) Italian also has a word for a regularly shaped bottle: bottiglia. So, as a glassblower, if you wanted to make a bottiglia, but instead blew too hard and wound up with a fiasco, you would have made a mistake relative to your intention, even if the resultant vessel could do its job, especially for Chianti.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
quiescent \kwī-ˈe-sənt\ adjective: 1. marked by inactivity or repose; tranquilly at rest, 2. causing no trouble or symptoms {quiescent gallstones}
Etymology: Latin quiescent-, quiescens, present participle of quiescere to become quiet, rest, from quies
I hear a phone ring in the distance. It is ignored.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
vinous \ˈvī-nəs\ adjective: 1. of, relating to, or made with wine {vinous medications}, 2. showing the effects of the use of wine, 3. of the color of red wine; vinaceous
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin vinosus, from vinum wine
And the reddish-purple color burgundy is so called from its resemblance to the wine of the same name.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Pyrrhic \ˈpir-ik\ adjective: 1. achieved at excessive cost {a Pyrrhic victory}, 2. costly to the point of negating or outweighing expected benefits {a great but Pyrrhic act of ingenuity}
Etymology: Pyrrhus, king of Epirus who sustained heavy losses in defeating the Romans
I was introduced to this word by a film critic who used it to describe the Quay Brothers’ Institute Benjamenta. He wrote that the filmmakers’ success in capturing a certain mood or atmosphere in that picture came at the expense of narrative flow and character development.
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