Monday, August 31, 2009
talaria \tə-ˈler-ē-ə\ plural noun: winged sandals
Etymology: Latin, from talaris of the ankle, from talus ankle
Hermes wore talaria.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
ruminant \ˈrü-mə-nənt\ adjective: 1. of or relating to even-toed hoofed mammals (as sheep, oxen, deer and camels) that chew the cud, 2. characterized by chewing again what has been swallowed, 3. given to or engaged in contemplation; meditative
noun: a ruminant mammal
Etymology: Latin ruminare to chew the cud
It’s amazing that ruminate can mean “to reflect” or “to chew the cud.” What an evocative image for contemplative individuals to be likened to masticating ungulates.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
ungulate \ˈəŋ-gyə-lət\ adjective: 1 . having hooves, 2. of or relating to hoofed mammals
noun: a hoofed mammal
Etymology: Late Latin ungulatus, from Latin ungula hoof, from unguis nail, hoof
There are even-toed ungulates (such as sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, deer and camels) and odd-toed ungulates (horses, tapirs and rhinoceroses).
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
digitigrade \ˈdi-jə-tə-ˌgrād\ adjective: walking on the digits or toes with the heel of the foot more or less raised
noun: a digitigrade animal
Etymology: French, from Latin digitus finger + gradus step
Cats and dogs are digitigrades. What look like their feet are actually just their toes, and what look like their (albeit backward) knees are really their ankles.
Monday, August 24, 2009
dolorous \ˈdō-lə-rəs\ adjective: causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief
Etymology: Old French doloros, from Latin dolorosus sorrowful, from dolor pain, anguish, grief, from dolore to hurt, suffer pain
The feminine personal name Dolores means “sorrows;” it derives from the Spanish title María de los Dolores, meaning “Mary of Sorrows.”
Sunday, August 23, 2009
monotreme \ˈmä-nə-ˌtrēm\ noun: any of an order (Monotremata) of egg-laying mammals comprising the platypuses and echidnas
Etymology: New Latin Monotremata, from Greek mon- one, single + trēmat-, trēma hole, opening
The “one hole” or “single opening” referred to by the name monotreme is the cloaca, which handles urination, defecation and reproduction for the critter.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
perseveration \pər-ˌse-və-ˈrā-shən\ noun: continuation of something (as repetition of a word) usually to an exceptional degree or beyond a desired point
Etymology: Latin perseveration-, perseveratio, from perseverare, from per- through + severus severe
Perseveration shares an etymology with persevere.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
jag \ˈjag\ transitive verb: 1. to cut indentations into, 2. to form teeth on (a saw) by cutting indentations
intransitive verb: 1. prick, thrust, 2. to move in jerks
noun: a sharp projecting part; barb
Etymology: Middle English jaggen
I only ever hear this word used as a past participle modifying a noun, where it means “having a sharply uneven edge or surface” (jagged peaks) or “having a harsh, rough or irregular quality” (jagged rhythms).
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
perfidy \ˈpər-fə-dē\ noun: 1. the quality or state of being faithless or disloyal; treachery, 2. an act or an instance of disloyalty
Etymology: Latin perfidia, from perfidus faithless, from per- detrimental to + fides faith
“The Queen Mother Hamida Bano and old Princess Gulbadan were summoned to the Place of Dreams. They arrived jostling and shoving each other, each old lady complaining loudly of the secret perfidy of the other, and it became evident that the crisis had run out of control.”
— Salman Rushdie, The Enchantress of Florence
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
scabrous \ˈska-brəs also ˈskā-\ adjective: 1. difficult, knotty {a scabrous problem}, 2 a. rough to the touch; having small raised dots, scales or points {a scabrous leaf}, b. rough to the touch; covered with raised, roughened or unwholesome patches {scabrous paint} {scabrous skin}, 3. dealing with suggestive, indecent or scandalous themes; salacious, 4. squalid
Etymology: Latin scabr-, scaber rough, scurfy; akin to Latin scabere to scratch
With so many definitions to choose from, scabrous is a very useful word.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
cloaca \klō-ˈā-kə\ noun: 1. sewer, 2. the common chamber into which the intestinal and urogenital tracts discharge, especially in monotreme mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and elasmobranch fishes; also: a comparable chamber of an invertebrate, 3. cesspool
plural cloacae \ klō-ˈā-ˌkē\
Etymology: Latin; akin to Greek klyzein to wash
Cute word.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
peen \ˈpēn\ noun: a usually hemispherical or wedge-shaped end of the head of a hammer that is opposite the face and is used especially for bending, shaping or cutting the material struck
transitive verb: to draw, bend or flatten by or as if by hammering with a peen
Etymology: probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian penn peen
We all speak of ball-peen hammers, but have we ever considered the peen, really? Consider it now!
Monday, August 10, 2009
blaggard /ˈblægəd/ noun: 1. a scoundrel; an unprincipled, contemptible person; an untrustworthy person (usually male) 2. a man who uses foul language
Etymology: English blackguard
A blackguard was a kitchen servant in a large house (perhaps so called from working in dark quarters or getting besmirched with soot from the fireplace.) Through metonymy blackguard came to mean any person exhibiting those characteristics typically displayed by kitchen staff. Are cooks getting a bad rap? Perhaps.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
eleemosynary \ˌe-li-ˈmä-sə-ˌner-ē\ adjective: of, relating to, or supported by charity
Etymology: Medieval Latin eleemosynarius, from Late Latin eleemosyna alms, from Greek eleēmosynē pity, alms, from eleēmōn merciful, from eleos pity
Sometimes it’s just easier to listen to a pronunciation audio clip, even when the pronunciation guide spells it out for you.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
adumbrate \ˈa-dəm-ˌbrāt, a-ˈdəm- brāt\ transitive verb: 1. to foreshadow vaguely; intimate, 2. to suggest, disclose or outline partially {adumbrate a plan}, 3. overshadow, obscure
Etymology: Latin adumbratus, past participle of adumbrare, from ad- to, toward + umbra shadow
Having never heard this word spoken, would I choose to pronounce it ADumbrate or aDUMbrate? I just don’t know. The second way feels closer to the word's origin in umbra, though... “Toward a shadow.” Sounds sinister.
(You know what? I just rolled the two pronunciations around in my head again, and ADumbrate definitely sounds better.)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
involute \ˈin-və-ˌlüt\ adjective: 1 a. curled spirally, b. curled or curved inward, c. having the edges rolled over the upper surface toward the midrib {an involute leaf}, d. having the form of an involute {a gear with involute teeth}, 2: involved, intricate
involute \ˈin-və-ˌlüt\ noun: a curve traced by a point on a thread kept taut as it is unwound from another curve {involute of a circle}
involute \ˌin-və-ˈlüt\ intransitive verb: 1. to become involute, 2 a. to return to a former condition, b. to become cleared up; disappear
Etymology: Latin involutus concealed, from past participle of involvere
Note that the stress is placed on the first syllable when involute is used as an adjective or noun, and on the last syllable when it’s a verb.
Monday, August 3, 2009
tortuous \ˈtorch-wəs, ˈtor-chə-wəs\ adjective: 1. marked by repeated twists, bends or turns; winding {a tortuous path}, 2 a. marked by devious or indirect tactics; crooked, tricky {a tortuous conspiracy}, b. circuitous, involved {the tortuous jargon of legal forms}
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French tortueux, from Latin tortuosus, from tortus twist, from torquēre to twist
Torturous also comes from the Latin torquēre.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
vermiculate \vər-ˈmi-kyə-ˌlət \ adjective: 1. tortuous, involute, 2. full of worms; worm-eaten, 3 a. resembling a worm in shape; vermiform, b. marked with irregular fine lines or with wavy impressed lines {a vermiculate nut}
Etymology: Latin vermiculatus, from vermiculus
Can vermiculate take on worm-eaten’s metaphorical sense of “worn-out or antiquated?”
Saturday, August 1, 2009
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