involute \ˈin-və-ˌlüt\
adjective: 1 a. curled spirally, b. curled or curved inward, c. having the edges rolled over the upper surface toward the midrib {an
involute leaf}, d. having the form of an involute {a gear with
involute teeth},
2: involved, intricate
involute \ˈin-və-ˌlüt\
noun: a curve traced by a point on a thread kept taut as it is unwound from another curve {
involute of a circle}
involute \ˌin-və-ˈlüt\
intransitive verb: 1. to become involute,
2 a. to return to a former condition, b. to become cleared up; disappear
Etymology: Latin
involutus concealed, from past participle of
involvereNote that the stress is placed on the first syllable when
involute is used as an adjective or noun, and on the last syllable when it’s a verb.